Sunday, January 20, 2008


Is ______ tough.
It ______ brings _Strife,
Wisdom_ and ___Love-- _enough
To ______help __ you __ realize _that
To ______love, __ to ___ learn, __ to _combat
Are _____one ___ and __the ______same.
Life'll ___tear __ you __ asunder;
Unless __ you're _game
To _____ flounder

1 comment:

Hilara said...

the art of calligraphy used to be as much a part of writing poems as the poets' creativity. this particular format- where you see the 1st line has 1 word, the next has 2, and so on- had to be written in a spaced out way that brought out the beauty of the format itself. this particular poem should have looked like an arrow or a diamond.